Monday, November 15, 2010

Difficulties and opportunities for export

 As the financial crisis deepened on the impact of China's foreign trade, triggering a series issued to promote policy, the Ministry of Finance issued a notice on December 17 Kusakabe said that from January 1, 2009 China's import and export duties from the tax will make further adjustments. In a stable foreign trade exports, the relevant national authorities have repeatedly introduced stimulus policies. This aspect reflects the current situation of China's exports grim, grim situation began in October 2008 from the visible, this situation will continue in the future for a long time; the other hand, recent introduction of these measures reflect the government has fully recognized the seriousness of the situation, which began to take positive and decisive response options to mitigate the decline in exports to China has brought economic growth and employment pressure. raising the export tax rebate rate is relatively straightforward to stimulate exports , efficient means of tax increase because some companies will directly benefit.
order to stabilize the export, in addition to continuing to adopt good substantive policy to enhance business confidence, but also to constantly optimize the export structure. We can not always Western developed countries rely on the market, but also to Eastern Europe, West Asia, South Asia, Latin America, Africa and other emerging markets find a way out. than in the United States, Europe and Japan and other developed markets, emerging market has not caused us enough attention. At present, Western developed countries, market downturn, we should speed up structural adjustment of export markets, open new market situation. If the emerging markets can present a relatively good development trend, it is evident on the export of good businesses. Meanwhile, we but also by increasing the voice and the international rule-making power, to further improve our position in international trade.
Although China exports significant atrophy, which in the global financial crisis is indeed inevitable. but we have to the opportunity to see them, such as our voice in international trade and the rule-making power will be improved. Moreover, we also see that the difficulties currently exports some temporary, because the Chinese products have two characteristics: first necessities of life more; the second is cheap. For these two characteristics of the products have,UGGs, despite the financial crisis, Western countries, large-scale decline in consumer demand for the immediate, but the consumption of other necessities have been purchased or off almost the same After the loss, they still continue to buy, no money to borrow money or relief by the government should buy, or difficult to maintain basic living. consumable necessities of life for those who, this situation continued up to about one year. Therefore, we can say that necessities of export difficulties are temporary, because the consumer demand is rigid. of cheap Chinese products a year later the U.S. will remain the first choice for Western consumers.
on the labor-intensive industries. Some people always labor-intensive and low value-added and equated trade disadvantage, but in fact whether the product is not labor-intensive or non-labor-intensive nature of the problem. The problem lies in the nature of our products have no competitive. there are some labor-intensive products competitive in the international arena, what is wrong with that? Moreover, labor-intensive industries can solve our employment problems.
the central government recently launched a very large expansion of domestic demand and domestic investment plans, This can be offset to some extent the decline in exports to the loss of the domestic economy. In the present case, the economic growth of the . The Government has launched massive investment program to expand domestic demand, the main purpose is to expand domestic investment demand and consumer demand.
China's economic transformation should include two aspects: one is to rely on export-oriented, mainly from domestic demand to pull economic growth; second is the transformation of economic development, including industrial transformation and upgrading, resource conservation, environmental protection, independent innovation, improve labor productivity. At present, we are open through the implementation of the domestic market, protection of people's livelihood and policies to expand domestic demand, which will directly promote the Two transition.
data from the macro point of view, China's exports are still able to maintain growth of around 20% seem to fall is not large, and people feel the situation is different. macro data and micro-feel is different, this is a fact. As several levels of data, collation, analysis often requires more than two weeks or a month's time, some new situations can not be quickly converted into data, statistical data on the response of the macro-lag is relatively obvious . Meanwhile, the policy effects of the show also takes time.
business failures on the part of the need to say the transformation of economic development, promoting the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, which also makes part of the business and product out. Therefore, all problems can not be attributed to the international financial crisis. In the present case, the stability of export policies there is still room for maneuver, such as taxation, the RMB exchange rate, export credit and so on. In addition to the export tax rebates, there are income tax, sales tax and so on. credit, there are still relatively large space,cheap UGG boots, such as export-oriented enterprises can take a certain tilt of export credit support .
key on the RMB exchange rate adjustment to reflect international supply and demand, the exchange rate in equilibrium. In recent months, despite the exchange rate of RMB against the U.S. dollar remained relatively stable, but compared to most other currencies, but it is a substantial appreciation, because almost all the major world currencies, including some small country's currency, recently in the drastic devaluation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar so in currencies other than the appreciation for the fact I did. This will lead us forward than the United States exports to countries other than very negative. In the current international economic situation, the international community expected a lot from RMB yuan will want to play a role in stabilizing the international monetary order, so we keep the RMB exchange rate relatively stable, in fact,bailey UGG boots, assumed the power responsibilities. But with the pressure to reduce China's exports continued to increase, in order to optimize the export structure and expand the share of emerging markets, devaluation of the yuan due to be important to stabilize the export options.
on export policies for some time, you can focus on two aspects. On the one hand, to take advantage of this international financial crisis, through the development of rational policies to promote export transformation and upgrading of China's export products. In general, Chinese products in international markets is not high quality, competitiveness over-reliance on cost advantage. so in the future to promote the export enterprises more from technological progress, improving product knowledge and technology content, increase value-added products and promoting product upgrading to make a fuss, to enhance long-term competitiveness of export products and lay a solid foundation. Another On the one hand, to optimize the export structure of the international markets, optimize the product's market structure. we should vigorously develop new markets. If from the perspective of globalization, expanding domestic demand is also an important aspect of market structure optimization. we had the main surface of many products abroad,UGG boots clearance, it must be in foreign markets and domestic markets to find a good balance between, or more transfer to the domestic market, especially in the Midwest to the rural market and market expansion. 

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