Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why do the

 Yuan finally finished.
Never write such a stop-to finish a paper, several times, do not want to write. Because the mood, as trivial, but also because, alas, do not say. Do not know why, often think, do not write on the sense of not, so it goes down and write.
are why things have to write?
may be empty, is boring, is a natural, or if we insist on continuous handwritten diary General habits?
thought no one allowed to have free and easy as Li Bai and Su Shi as heroic, as many injuries chaos Du Li peony flower person as written. did not think Hill is also leaving. his poems as fine as Rose , free and easy words bold and graceful. And it is catchy to read and work on the Paradise of love, as he said himself, I try not to look, this is the habit of writing things before. for fear of looking more, not their own self-confidence, clear thinking is even more disturbing. I write things at their own things to watch and write what they wish to write, not for others about.
circle, I seldom go. no time. Sometimes I see the circle of administrators to look back to the circle, I did not go, very sorry. I even want to, want to quit all the circles.
a quiet write something, such as the mountain stream water and gently flowing. If met, that is fate. After all, I'm not going to write something and Bo.
blogging, originally a chance.

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