Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nanning Police smashed a robbery gang members were taken hostage after 90 (Figure)

 Recently, Nanning, many kinds of police collaboration of the police successfully destroyed a robbery gang kidnapped, gang members and arrested 4 people, uncovered 16 cases of robbery series, robbed of cash seized nearly 3 million, was robbed of laptop computers, watches, jade jewelry, bank cards, mobile phone number and other items.

2010   12   25 at midnight, 53-year-old Xu Jinglei alone in Nanning City, Hubei Road Flower Market Park, walking the sidewalk, and suddenly a van parked in front of him, the car jumped out of three young people , pushed him to the van without any explanation. In the car, Xu Jinglei was told that he offended someone, to take him to the man. Xu Jinglei tried to resist, the result was a burst of beatings, followed by neck and feel a chill, and a machete have been mounted on top. In this way, Xu Jinglei did not dare to move, and be pushed around. Criminals drove the car to a remote place, and search light Xu Jinglei their properties before they pushed him off and sped away. Xu Jinglei report to public security organs, found himself in Yongning District Town.

time next month, the Public Security Bureau have received more than Yongning victim report, said was kidnapped from the city center to the remote location of Rural Yongning robbery.

gather and report information on cases, lead to the leadership of City Public Security Bureau in Nanning attaches great importance to the decision by the PUC Yongning Branch and Criminal Investigation Unit to carry out the detection of joint work. Quickly set up by the Criminal Investigation Branch Yongning capable brigade task force composed of police conduct investigations.

the panel by asking the victims, investigation and visit, collect from bank ATMs to multi-channel video surveillance and other investigation initially determined that the criminal gangs for the Yongning locals. In the ATM surveillance video, police found a suspect has a distinctive feature: its nose on the souls of black hemorrhoids. After nearly two months of investigation, police found the Dumou Louzhen Yongning area that has a major crime suspects, who also has a black nose, hemorrhoids.

proper conduct Dumou police chase, the police Criminal Investigation branch Yongning integrated information system in the illegal police officers and other information found Dumou 4 was February 16 on suspicion of illegal possession of management tool is punishable by law and order detention. Branch and the Criminal Investigation Unit Yongning immediate contact with the Inspection Team will be back 4 Yongning Branch to continue to review.

through Tushen, Dumou, who confessed since November 2010, the rental van rental companies, and to fight counterfeiting plates, buying machetes, simulation pistol, rope and other tools of crime opportunistic crime. Every time when crime and put a false number plate, driving in urban areas by the Dumou wandering and found a package neatly dressed or with a separate pedestrian may have money to by the Apan, A sharp, Ah Sheng 3 people get off the people onto the van, held hostage in remote rural areas to the Yongning lot to commit robbery. Since last November the group a total of 16 cases of crime, throughout the Yongning District, Xingning, Green show area, Jiangnan District, Liangqing District and other places, were to grab the cash, mobile phones, watches, laptop computers and other property group, worth nearly 15 million.

the gang members are Yongning District Three Village that Louzhen 90 young people, the oldest 20 years old. According to Dumou said the lack of discipline, lazy, living in the community very early on In order to earn money to repay, they decided to gang up to rob. But money grab hands, they did not repay, but re-enter the gambling, is still owed a lot of debt.

Police Weapon against highway robbery:

1. Late night return to residence should be first on the body proper for the custody of valuable property, should not carry.

2. Night out and return, it is best traveled with a companion, and do not covet, near and across the deserted, narrow, dark alley and the alley, not to stay in remote areas.

3. Into the corridor, they should first pay attention to suspicious people who follow behind, if suspicious, should contact time with their families or classmates collusion.

4. To financial institutions, deposit, withdraw large amounts, they must escort the road be careful not to expose cash.

5. Do not let mobile phones, computers and other valuables too conspicuous.

6. In case suffered robbery, keep a clear mind, and remember characteristics of the suspect, the public security organs in time to escape after the report (news correspondent Liangkai Chang Liang Yi Yong Li Jinxiu intern)

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