Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tencent's apology is a big business should grace

 Tencent's apology is a big business should grace
text / King is easy to see
in coordination with the Ministry of Industry, Tencent and 360 odd war has finally come to an end the enduring, Tencent has already published a large induced Users ------and reflection, then, whether the letter should reflect the demeanor of a large enterprise it? the main points of the entire letter, we broadly summarized as follows.
one, Tencent this extraordinary business war on the review and summary
Obviously, Tencent and 360 of the war was a remarkable business war, this war is behind the business will need to reflect and summarize. Of course, not be discussed here, we have the responsibility of the size of Tencent and 360, after all, a tango, as Tencent and 360, in fact, have some fault, Tencent is now inside the first letter of apology to this summary to reflect and also the first to show their responsibility as first-line Internet business.
Second, Tencent protect the interests of users and Maintenance
Tencent has seen, before a act, as Tencent's own interests have been seriously damaged, has not be guaranteed, of course, there is no ability to re Tencent protected the interests of users at a time when the interests, but with whom the user may not be able to understand Tencent stakeholders, but also because the situation was serious, Tencent, and users did not do enough in advance of communication, was stricken users do not understand. believed that after this incident, Tencent can more emphasis on the protection and maintenance of user interests.
Third, Tencent Under the impetus of the Government, we have been craving the of malicious competition we can see great damage to the commercial economy, so the competition under the sun, it should be the common pursuit of all enterprises.
Obviously, Tencent apologize, reflects his demeanor as a big business, of course, Tencent is also necessary grace. in the mediation of the Ministry of Industry, Tencent no longer entangled in the business of this storm is over, after all, whether it is Tencent, or 360, the user first principles will not change. Therefore, Tencent only introduction to this special called full) 

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