Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stay up health knowledge Daquan-kongler's blog - the focus of blog

 Stay up health knowledge Daquan kongler 2006-11-23 12:33:46 Posted at the focus of the real estate network - on housing on the market - No. 8 North First Street, staying up late the health knowledge Daquan forum site a lot of To work for a living, for fun, for various reasons, are staying up late to collect some information about the health knowledge, we hope to health. information, the result of adaptation to the environment. stay up late will be detrimental to health. because the human adrenal cortex hormones and growth hormone is secreted at night when sleeping. The former secretion before dawn, with the promotion of human carbohydrate metabolism and protect the development of muscle function; after produced only after in the sleep, not only promote the growth and development of young people. also could delay aging in the elderly. it is the best time of day sleep 10 pm to 6:00. who often stays up late, how can I take some self- health measures? First, better nutrition, less should be selected high quality protein, fat and vitamin B family of foods such as milk, beef, pork, fish, beans, nuts such as walnuts may eat, date, longan, peanuts, etc., so you can play the efficacy of anti-fatigue. Second, strengthening exercise. according to their age and interests to exercise, improve their physique. stay up in if they feel lack of energy or drowsiness, it should be done while gymnastics, about tai chi or to outdoor activities. Third, to adjust circadian rhythms. perennial stay up all night should be based on work schedule, and constantly change to adapt. Fourth, eliminate ideological burden. often avoid the anxiety and fear those who stay up late, should build up confidence, work at night maintain a pleasant mood and spirits. stay up late at night should also have skills in common sense, can still physically in good health, otherwise, the iron in the body, can not stand the night worked hard so say it ~ So, you want to stay up all night, do remember : 1: Do not instant noodles to fill the stomach, so as not to anger too, the best possible fruit, toast, bread, zhou dishes to eat. 2: start late at night before, to a group of nutrition pills vitamin b, vitamin b to relieve fatigue, enhance human immunity. 3: refreshing drink, the best green tea-based, can be refreshing, but also to eliminate excess free radicals in the body, allowing you to exhilarating; intestinal bad people, but the best change hot water to drink bubble tea, medlar, can extract, but also eyesight too! 4: Do I remember staying up remover before, or the first wash my face clean, avoid the thick layer of powder or oil, in the torment of staying up late the next long face acne. 5: After staying up late, do remember that at noon the next day nap. circadian clock, in general, staying up late is not easy to remedy, the remedy is recommended that you back to the principles of the original sleep time, especially late at night make biological clock problem, this time we have to change back to the original sleep time will be difficult, we recommend that you both can stay up late the night before and more, said a certain time to get up at the same time (as set at 7 AM), when sleepy during the day not stay in bed to sleep, so can only gradually tummy nap time to fall asleep earlier. circadian clock shows 00:00 and 01:00 light sleep and dream of and more sensitive, do not feel pain at this time, wake up easily. 01:00 ~ 02:00 detoxification of the liver to eliminate toxins at this time vigorous activities should allow the body to sleep, so that the liver able to complete the metabolic waste. 02:00 ~ 03:00 Sleep onset of critically ill patients are most vulnerable moment, often death of the sick at this time, staying up late is best not to exceed this time. 09:00 to 11:00 at this time is the essence of the best attention and memory, and the best time working and learning. 12:00 ~ 13: 00 of the best sit-in lunch break or turn a blind eye and then eating, not drinking at noon, easily drunk and hurt the liver Oh! 14:00 ~ 15:00 of the peak is dripping and creativity to the ultimate time to play! 16 : 00 ~ 17:00 ebb stage of physical debilitating, it is best to add fruit to satisfy their craving to avoid starvation and bulimia cause obesity. 17:00 ~ 18:00 loose a slight increase of blood glucose at this time, the most sensitive sense of smell and taste , may wish to prepare dinner to boost the spirit. 19:00 to 20:00 on the best to temporarily open 30 minutes after a meal to go for a walk or a shower, relax and relieve the fatigue of a say in poverty. 20:00 22:00 This is the night, night repair activities of the peak periods, we recommend that you use this time to discuss, study and other activities need to Deliberate. 23:00 to 24:00 on the night sleep after a busy town said, this time should be relaxed mood to sleep, do not let the body over the load, it can be worth the candle Oh! to remind everyone to be aware of your body, make life more healthy and enriched late too late! stay up too modern life such as job or career reasons, are there have been day and night reversed the time. circadian rhythm reversal of the physiological function and metabolism of the body will have a negative impact. Under normal circumstances, the human body during the day and night circadian rhythms are quite different. during the day mainly in sympathetic nerve activity and material metabolism of the main decomposition process, while at night the parasympathetic activity and Zeyi synthesis of metabolism-based. biochemical observations also show that the enzyme activity of different metabolic and endocrine hormones in the day and night are quite different. stay up Notes 1, when late at night to eat something hot (such as hot instant noodles). 2, dinner can not eat too full. 3, keep warm, not chilled stomach. 4, must have enough drinking water. 5, no matter how late at night intermediate can not go to bed tired. 6, if the lack of hardship to drink coffee or tea drinks like irritating to refreshing, but pay attention should drink hot, not too much concentration, so Shang Wei. 7, staying up late, you should always do deep breathing. 8, at least coming to dawn, that is, around 5 am, and continue to imagine the glorious sun rises and the momentum. 9, be sure to eat breakfast, you must not eat cold food. 10, 7 am, 8 o'clock, to sleep, be sure to win their hearts, if not go to bed, but also win their hearts and sitting in a chair. stay up all night eating family health night workers to supply adequate vitamin A, vitamin A can be adjusted due to retinal photosensitive material --- synthesis of visual purple, stay up all night workers can improve the resilience of the dim light, and to prevent visual fatigue. stay up all night workers, labor intensity, energy and more should pay attention to high quality protein supplement. the best animal protein to achieve protein half of the total supply. because the animal protein containing essential amino acids, which stay up all night workers for guaranteeing the efficiency and improve the physical health is good. stay up all night a family of self-care in the hectic life of modern society, people do not survive the night lucky man. stay up all night causes the body's normal rhythm disorder, on the vision, gastrointestinal and sleep are affected. So, who often stays up late how do self-care? stay up all night, most people often do paperwork or computer operation who worked hard all night in the dim light is easy to make eye muscle fatigue, decreased vision. Beijing Hospital, Ministry of Health in charge of nutrition nutritionist Li Changping doctor told reporters, vitamin A and vitamin B on the prevention of visual impairment have some effect, vitamin A may regulate retinal photosensitive material - the synthesis of visual purple, stay up all night workers can improve the resilience of the dim light to prevent eye strain. so to eat carrots, leeks, eels and other foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin B-rich lean meat , fish, liver and other animal foods. Furthermore, it should be appropriate to add calories, eat some fruit, vegetables and protein foods such as meat, eggs, etc. to supplement the physical exertion, but do not about having to Mengchi. Li Changping doctor that eat some peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, dried fruits such as food, they are rich in protein, vitamin B, vitamin E, calcium and iron and other minerals, and vegetable oils, and cholesterol levels low, the restoration of physical fitness has a special effect . In addition to diet and work hard, stay up physical exercise to strengthen the family. stay up in if they feel lack of energy or drowsiness, it should be done for a while about gymnastics or to outdoor activities. As to the normal sleep staying up late to account for the time, so sleep on in the supplementary may wish to play it by ear. home as class, eyes closed a moment in the car, or in units of the lunch break for a little while for his afternoon nap and so arranged, restore physical strength, so spirits. stay up table Some people like the best rest stay up all night, but the result is often engage in their own exhaustion, and low efficiency, long-term harm to the body will go. In fact, scientific, and intermittent stay up late sometimes certain types of people will get unexpected results. stay up After 4,5 o'clock in the morning to sleep, stayed up all night, you must have felt very tired, so sleep will sleep particularly tasty, especially heavy, you will rest particularly well. late at night can make you focus on the longer time, specializing in a difficult work. the implementation of the rest is a prerequisite for the table you are at 9,10 o'clock excess energy, did not want to sleep. Most people do not use the easy schedule. 10:00 wake up 10:00 -11:00 a walk, listening to music 11:00-11:20 eat, drink soup, and more vegetables, meat 11:30-19:30 reading, doing exercises 19:30-20:00 meal, meat, many dishes, Jiucheng full 20:00 - 4:30 am to work, study best late at night to sleep 4:30-10:00 am eating regular people who work at night, in addition to creating good working conditions and adequate sleep outside to ensure adequate should be scientifically arrange his one daily meals. In the arrangement of daily meals, we should first ensure that adequate energy intake. For example, to increase appetite, food cooking in the production of food and strive to achieve on species diversity, color, smell, and taste and delicious; to make a reasonable day's heat distribution and prevent hunger satiety situation, you need to arrange dinner time and total days per meal calorie diet should be a percentage of total calories . dinner is very important for people who stay up all night, can account for 30% of total calories diet -50%, edible some high-protein food, meal schedule an hour or two before labor is appropriate; Chinese food calorie diets are generally accounted for 20 of total calories % to 25%, meal time can be arranged around 3:00 in the afternoon; breakfast calorie diet is generally accounted for 15% of total calories -20%, and should be easily digested and absorbed carbohydrate-based. the basis for ensuring adequate energy intake on, should also be taken to ensure there is sufficient high quality protein, mineral and vitamin intake. so the appropriate intake of milk, eggs, fish, lean meat, liver, soybeans and their products, eat more vegetables, fruits, eat plain high sugar and fatty foods, and salt intake should be controlled. stay up all night Consumption Diet nursed back to health with the accelerated pace of life, more and more people joined the ranks of staying up late. But how to ensure the quality of staying up late, but also reduce the impact on health? In late at night when drinking tea or coffee to stimulate the many nerve excitability is not desirable. because caffeine can make the spirit of a time, and after the human brain are inhibitory and will produce sleepy feeling. TCM believes that people often stay up all night easily lead to yin yang hyperactivity symptoms of yin deficiency heat generated, it may be nursed back to health with herbs appropriate to make energy. Rehmannia braised duck: 20 grams each with habitat, 1 to 2 duck eggs, add water, the amount of stew, cooked eggs, peeled, then boiled for 20 minutes into the juice, rock sugar to taste, fresh eggs, juice drink, each said 1 or 2 to 3 times per week. There Zi Yin heat, thirst and other effects, for dry mouth and throat after staying up late, gum swelling and pain are edible. kidney stew Eucommia: 25 grams each with Eucommia, kidney sub-1, the water amount stew for 1 hour, each said, or taken every 2 to 3 1 said, there is nourishing the liver and kidney, the effect of strong bones, after staying up late for back pain, limb weakness were taken. lotus lily lean burn: each with lotus seeds (to core) 20 grams, 20 grams of lily, 100 grams of pork, add the same amount of boiling water, seasoning with salt after the consumption of meat Shulan, each said 1. a pure heart and lungs, Qi sedative effect, suitable for late night cough, insomnia, upset, palpitations embolism are edible. kudzu raw fish soup: Wash each with 250 grams of kudzu cut into small pieces, raw fish to the gills and viscera of one, a total amount of boiling water, cooked the fish into the ginger, oil, salt and seasoning, fish-eating water boiling water, say 1 month or every other. There Shujin, Qi and blood, muscle pain and other effects solution for over-staying up after the intramuscular labor pain, cervical muscle pain were taken. summer lean burn subtilis: Prunella each with 10 grams, 50-100 grams of pork, a total amount of boiling water, cooked the meat a little seasoning salt, meat and drink the juice, to the daily 1. a clear anger, lower blood pressure The efficacy for patients with high blood pressure headache and dizziness after staying up late to take those jealous. stay up late and eating with the development of modern economy, the accelerated pace of life, more and more people joined the ranks of staying up late. how to ensure that stay up all night quality, and reduce the impact on health, nursed back to health in the diet is worth attention. at the time late at night, if you want to not be tired at night, then just make your day as the sympathetic nerve function as active Caixing. prevent sympathetic nerve function is the energy source of excitement rice and pasta. Therefore, in the dinner, please do not eat rice and pasta, only eat fish, meat, vegetables and other non-staple food can be. As for the rice or pasta is 1 day every morning before eating. However, after a dinner will begin after 3 hours of hunger. Therefore, we should drink milk when hungry, or eat eggs, fruit. just do this, you will be able to maintain their exuberant energy. It is worth recalling , in late at night when drinking tea or coffee to stimulate the many nerve excitability is not desirable. because the caffeine will only make temporary nervous excitement, and after you make the human brain are inhibitory, resulting in the feeling of drowsiness. TCM believes that people often stay up all night easily lead to yin yang hyperactivity symptoms of yin deficiency heat generated, it may be nursed back to health with herbs appropriate to make energy. ①, stewed duck habitat: habitat, each with 20 grams of duck l? 2 个, add water, the amount of stew, cooked eggs, peeled, then boiled for 20 minutes into the juice, rock sugar to taste, fresh eggs, juice drink, every week, said 1 or 2? 3 times. Ziyin heat, fluid only thirst and other effects. for late night dry mouth and throat, swollen gums. dysphoria still bribe food. ②, kidney stew Eucommia: 25 grams each with Eucommia, kidney sub-1, water amount, ranch 1 hour , to the daily or every 2? 3 said, taking a second, there is nourishing the liver and kidney, the effect of strong bones. for late night back pain, limb weakness were taken. ③, lean burn lily seeds: each with a lotus ( to the core) 20 grams, 20 grams of lily, 100 grams of pork, add the same amount of boiling water, salt to taste after eating meat Shulan, each said 1. a pure heart and lungs, Qi soothe the nerves of the effect. suitable for late night cough . insomnia, irritability, palpitations embolism are edible. ④, raw soup kudzu: kudzu 250 grams per wash, and cut with small pieces of raw fish one to gills and viscera, a total amount of boiling water, the fish cooked Add ginger, oil, salt and seasonings, fish-eating Yin Tang, said the daily or every 1 second. There Shujin, Qi and blood, muscle pain and other effects solution. for labor after staying up late over the muscle pain, cervical muscle pain were taking. ⑤, Prunella lean burn: 10 grams each with Prunella, 50-100 grams of pork, a total amount of boiling water, cooked the meat a little seasoning salt, meat and drink the juice, to the daily 1 times. a clear anger, the effect of lowering blood pressure. for hypertension after staying up late with dizziness, headache, and jealous of those who take it. reasonably modern diet to help you stay up all night because the job or career, have had the time of day and night reversed . circadian rhythm reversal of the physiological function and metabolism of the body will have a negative impact. Under normal circumstances, the human body during the day and night circadian rhythms are quite different. during the day mainly in sympathetic nerve activity and metabolism of the decomposition-based and parasympathetic activity at night Zeyi and Metabolism-based synthesis. biochemical observations also show that the enzyme activity of different metabolic and endocrine hormones in the day and night are also very different. I often have people who work at night, In addition to creating good working conditions and ensuring adequate sleep enough, should also be scientifically arranged one of their own daily meals. In the arrangement of daily meals, we should first ensure that adequate energy intake. For example, for increase appetite, food cooking in the production of food species on and strive to achieve diversity, color, smell, and taste and delicious; to make a reasonable day's heat distribution and prevent hunger satiety situation, you need to arrange dinner time and total days per meal calorie diet should be a percentage of total calories. dinner is very important for people who stay up all night, can account for 30% of total calories diet to 50%, more edible protein-rich foods, meal time or two before the scheduled work hours is appropriate; Chinese food calorie diets are generally accounted for 20% of total calories to 25%, meal time can be arranged around 3:00 in the afternoon; breakfast calorie diet is generally accounted for 15% of total calories to 20%, and should be easily digested and absorbed carbohydrate-based. in ensuring adequate energy intake, based on should be taken to ensure there is sufficient high quality protein, mineral and vitamin intake. Therefore, proper intake of milk, eggs, fish, lean meat, liver, soybean and its products, eat more vegetables, fruits, pure sugar and eat less fatty foods that are high and the intake of salt should be controlled. stay up late to work because the modern diet or professional reasons, have had nights and sleep days time. circadian rhythm reversal of the physiological function and metabolism of the body will have a negative impact. Under normal circumstances, the human body during the day and night circadian rhythms are quite different. during the day mainly in sympathetic nerve activity and metabolism of the decomposition process is Lord, the night Zeyi parasympathetic activity and metabolism-based synthesis. biochemical observations also show that the enzyme activity of different metabolic and endocrine hormones in the day and night are also very different. I often have people who work at night , in addition to creating good working conditions and ensuring adequate sleep enough, should also be scientifically arranged one of their own daily meals. In the arrangement of daily meals, we should first ensure that adequate energy intake. For example, to increase appetite, food cooking in the production of food species on and strive to achieve diversity, color, smell, and taste and delicious; to make a reasonable day's heat distribution and prevent hunger satiety situation, you need to arrange dinner time and total days per meal calorie diet should be a percentage of total calories. dinner is very important for people who stay up all night, can account for 30% of total calories diet to 50%, more edible high-protein food, meal timing on the previous work two hours is appropriate; Chinese food calorie diets are generally accounted for 20% of total calories to 25%, meal time can be arranged around 3:00 in the afternoon; breakfast calorie diet is generally accounted for 15% of total calories to 20%, and should be easily digestible absorption of carbohydrate-based. in ensuring adequate energy intake, based on should be taken to ensure there is sufficient high quality protein, mineral and vitamin intake. Therefore, proper intake of milk, eggs, fish, lean meat, liver , soybean and its products, eat more vegetables, fruits, pure sugar and eat less fatty foods that are high and the intake of salt should be controlled. night owl how to eat? night owl, the first thought is to drink coffee or refreshing tea, nutritionists said, caffeine does make people spirits. However, the U.S. St. Luke's Hospital (St.Luke 's Hospital) Sleep Medicine Research Center was found to enhance the efficiency of caffeine is not necessarily valid, even useful for and also to maintain only a short time. caffeine though refreshing, relative body will consume and nerve, muscle coordination group of the vitamin B, vitamin B group would have been easier to tired, more likely to form a vicious cycle, to develop a drunk Tea, drunk coffee, the habit of more and more requirements, the effect is getting worse. Therefore, we must stay up all night, the more group to add more vitamin B, but more effective. late at night, some people think that eating sweets can add heat, in fact, stay up sweets is taboo. After dinner, or late at night, do not eat too many sweets, although the high-calorie high-sugar, though exciting to some extent, but it will consume vitamin B group, resulting in negative effects, it tends to lead to obesity problem. Overall, stay up all night to prevent normal daily diet health still depends, to a balanced intake of 6 types of food. But in order to stay up late, eat dinner foods rich in vitamin B group, it is absolutely necessary! vitamin B group members rather many, including folic acid, alkaline tobacco acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, etc., they are not only involved in metabolism, provide energy, protect nerve cells, stability and nerves, relieve anxiety and also helpful. dark green leafy vegetables and legumes, are included rich in folate, helps cells repair, prevention of infection and anemia; liver, fish, whole grains, soy foods, fruits and vegetables with vitamin B6 or smoke in the alkaline acid, to maintain skin health and slow aging; As with memory, concentration on vitamin B12, in red meat, milk, eat cheese eat carrots are = often stays up late, most people stay up all night doing paperwork is often operate a computer or who sat for a long time in the light tends to eye muscle fatigue, decreased vision . Nutrition experts say, vitamin A and vitamin B on the effective prevention of visual impairment, vitamin A may regulate the synthesis of retinal material, who can stay up late to improve the resilience of the dim light to prevent eye strain. so to eat carrots, scallions, eel and other foods rich in vitamin A, and vitamin B-rich lean meat, fish, liver and other animal foods. In addition, peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, dried fruit and other foods, rich in vitamin B, vitamin E, calcium and iron and other minerals, is conducive to restoration of physical, may be appropriate to those who eat late at night = Huwei who often stays up late the law, called the Yin Huo-wang of the Chinese people, such people often have gastrointestinal problems, can be improved through diet , to Huwei purposes. stay up family - no sleep tonight, inserted language editorial: clearly reflected in the retina; sound a lot clearer than usual, as if those poor recordings are all separated from the noise, birds and insects also have their respective positioning the car engine sound ... ... The late night experience. see exciting topic - stay up all night for a while ... ... therapeutic side: birthplace of lean meat soup ingredients: raw land 15g, 250g lean production method: for drinking soup :2-3 for the amount of therapeutic side two: Lily white fungus dessert of fresh material: fresh lily 30g, white fungus 30g, Sydney 1, nest 10-30g, crystal sugar. Method: put sugar syrup stew with other materials :2-3 for the amount of cooling of the stomach with Yin role Editors: people tend to stay up late often have symptoms of yin deficiency heat, if the diet to restore attention to supper, is conducive to maintaining energy. stay up late to the health of green ... ... therapeutic side three: Polygonatum soup Ingredients: Polygonatum 30g, lean catty Method: A total of soup material :2-3 for the amount of heat for fecal constipation. therapeutic side Four: Gorgon Smilax Soup Ingredients: Smilax glabra 30g, 30g Gorgon method: for drinking soup: volume of 2-3 people for hot and humid stool, loose stools, could heat, so the stool back to normal. stay up all night by the Diet who often stays up late conditioning prone to deficiency heat symptoms like to pay attention to the diet to restore supper, is conducive to maintaining energetic. are presented below: (1) kidney stew Eucommia: Eucommia 25 grams, kidney sub-1 (to the fascia), the water amount. stew for 1 hour. to the daily or every other said take 1. with a nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening sinews and bones of the effect. for late night back pain, limb weakness were taken. (2) lean burn lily lotus: lotus seeds (to core) 20 grams, 20 grams of lily, 100 grams of pork. the same amount of boiling water, meat, seasoning with salt after the food Shulan. to the daily 1. a pure heart and lungs, Qi soothe the nerves of the effect. suitable for late night cough, insomnia, irritability, palpitations embolism are edible. (3) habitat braised duck: 20 grams of raw land, duck 1-2, add water, the amount of ranch. eggs cooked peeled, then boiled for 20 minutes into the juice. add crystal sugar seasoning, fresh eggs, juice drink. to the daily 1 or 2-3 times per week. Ziyin heat, thirst and other effects. suitable for late night dry mouth and throat, gingival swelling, pain, dysphoria is still bribe consumption. (4) Health and soup kudzu: kudzu (Pueraria use made of vermicelli) 250g, clean cuts, raw fish (mullet) 1, a total amount of boiling water. the fish cooked, add ginger, silk, oil, salt, fish-eating Yin Tang. said the daily or every 1, there Shujin, Qi and blood, relieve muscle pain and other effects. for late night muscle pain, neck pain who take it. (5) lean burn Prunella: Prunella 10 grams of pork 50-100 grams, a total amount of boiling water, cooked the meat a little seasoning salt, meat soup. to the daily 1. with clear anger, blood pressure lowering effect. suitable for late night blood pressure, dizziness, headache and jealous of those who take.

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