Monday, February 21, 2011

2010-10 Notes

 Yuanmingyuan was Boxer Rebellion in 1860 in addition to theft, but also a great theft of a large part of the Chinese people, because the Yuanmingyuan bigger than the Forbidden City, there are many things, not so much eight-op.
Reserved Ming Palace of the Qing Dynasty the down
to lead the fleet to the West, Columbus 80 years earlier, but much larger fleet of Columbus, but was not paid attention to sea power, even during the closed-door policy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Western countries through the development of sea power, sea power from the doctrine, the development of to mercantilism to capitalism to colonialism. In 300 years of modern China's history of bad. the difference between Zheng and Columbus, is that the behavioral differences, a government act and civil behavior, one is driving different Zheng is a purely exploration, Columbus is the profit-driven.
modern, Chinese sea power began to realize the importance of sea power doctrine.
from 1949, China established in 1979, Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up to open the door of China, on the open ocean.
go naval power of China, the maritime strategy in the entire disk, the most important step in chess is Taiwan.
kill three cards from the paper to the online game < br> People over-optimism, irrational exuberance can lead to excessive pessimism, can lead to irrational down
disciplines, is a special person you become.
different philosophy and other disciplines, the complexity of life, when you parse out
not curse people, provided that you are human, then what is called the people do?
people, is to reach a certain age, it received a certain degree of education, be called a man. < br> A man needs self-cultivation and literary training philosophy.
good and the beautiful unity of life. people are not living in order to survive, but to find the meaning of life.
people can not stand a single color (rich in the number of life); people can not tolerate freezing of life; people can not tolerate the existence of empty (no meaning); people can not stand the difference between animal and human
is that animals are living in a meaningless way, people are living in a meaningful way.
In addition to people, other things are essential before there are existence precedes essence. All things are difficult, but life out, not after the development of man.
observation is always theory of the consequences of pollution
the principles of Marxism and the absolute difference between morality
two train tracks, select five people were killed or killed a person; on the train tracks, choose to push a person to rescue five people or choose nothing. in the hospital, choose to kill a healthy to rescue five people who looked at five patients died or select.
assume their social responsibilities, one to do business, and second, to do good.
philanthropist in China has been the formation of charitable organizations are not charitable trust
good way, not directly give money to the poor, but to improve the poor record the ability of rich
China one hundred and twenty million people below the poverty line in the United Nations can not
matter how poor the poor community of three children's education
distribution, the first corporate earnings, the second is a tax, the first three of charity
Kaufman, Carnegie, Rockefeller
corrupt, get hold of fake companies, signed a false contract, laundering money to the United States, and immigration
Status of Venture Capital 2009 VC welcome, traditional industries need to be innovative in the industry, technology and innovation as the core, the management focus. In the future, energy and environmental protection will become hot.
VC exit ways, mainly equity transfer, listed out the second, and then is the liquidation
Internet companies now, not millions of millions, is not going to work the
3) charity dinner is not persuading people to donate directly, meaning no more than the maximum is to promote and inspire. but, China does not lack most of these charities. In fact, China always has a tradition of giving and value-oriented mm hundreds or even thousands of years ago, the Chinese people, when in good turn deserves another, no United States, State Mile mm .
5) The United States is the world's most developed countries, while China is still a developing country. On the one hand, China can not finance the rich than the also Regal China, it is in the cause of the rapid growth stage, this stage is most in need of capital investment in mm Many entrepreneurs the most troublesome problem is financing, how thoughts and energy left to do charities do?
6) is more important that China's environment can not be more than charity than the U.S.. It prominently in three aspects: First, transparency is not enough. China's charity are mostly black-box operation, the flow of people do not know where the donation was. Second, the government monopolies. China's few legitimate charitable organizations are government-run, non-governmental charitable organization established are considered to be illegal, which greatly limits the development of charity resources. Third, there is no estate duty. 50 U.S. rate of estate duty % or so, that is, ~
7) the possible role of charity dinner, the Chinese do not need to; China most in need of charitable institutions and the environment, they do nothing. Therefore, conditions.
12) United States and Japan are the zero interest rate
13) advanced U.S. economy has slowed, the Fed plans to further easing, information leading to the depreciation of the dollar
14) advanced global power do not want their own currency too high, countries are afraid to raise interest rates, an increase in interest rates, hot money went
15). < br> 16).
17) as a regular business, administrative transaction documents must be retained, while the delivery of tax
18) fake high-end wine, white wine criminals pay special attention to packaging, and inside the wine, the wine is turned into real cooperation can almost taste.
22) people can not live in the past, we can not live in the future, to Live in the present.
23) a can not do without life, and life content, can not be meaningless. we have to be to plan, ask yourself, do it, and said these words, what is the point?
24) hero, was born in troubled times, in times of peace, to have development.
25) to do great things, and they should hate, decisive and not arbitrary.
26) into the event who are rogue animals.
27) If the gentleman is destined to be destroyed by Jian Xiong, Jian Xiong you would rather do a deal with Men Do not Cry, it must be to serve Men Do not Cry to rape.
30) the last exchange rate World War II, is a former World War II, the United States caused
31) The United States has the strategic focus to Asia, are looking at is China, the suppression of her second child
32) United States is now the largest debt in human history, the country
33) Barack Obama has been export-driven economic
34) exchange rate is the relative price of services and manufacturing
35) Experts predict that the pain of the United States there are a few years, the unemployment rate in the U.S. and Europe continued
38) Shu Qi, Jay, Tony Leung in Hong Kong, the mainland's Zhang Ziyi.
43) intelligence quotient (IQ) is used to reflect traditional intelligence, emotional intelligence (EQ) is used to measure a person's level of emotional intelligence. If IQ scores more used to predict a person's academic achievement, then the EQ score is used to predict whether people should be made career successful life even more effective is the indicator of success, it reflects the individual's social adaptation.
44) EQ and IQ are not mutually exclusive. high emotional intelligence may have a high IQ and low IQ who may also be low EQ. The fact on the IQ and EQ, there are still some degree of relevance: as the ultra-low IQ and EQ, or emotional intelligence quotient high on the ultra-low rare in life. Although the content of IQ and EQ reflect different, but on the individual to that, regardless of which party the success of defects are very difficult.
45) is almost purely a high IQ type ridiculous exaggerated intellectual type. knowledge of the giant, life idiot. but a slight difference between men and women. Men The features are: a wide range of intellectual interests and abilities, ambition and efficient, rigid and stubborn and difficult for their own problems; addition also quite proud of, like comments and assert that meticulous was self-repression, in the face of sexual and sensual pleasures always distant and indifferent. high-IQ women: full of their own intellectual self-confidence, articulate their own ideas, with a wide range of knowledge and aesthetic interest; usually more introverted personality, good meditation, anxiety, guilt and easy, easy pessimistic disappointed, impulsiveness, but not easy to open expression of anger, and replaced by indirect expression.
46) Conversely, EQ and more people of high social ability is excellent, outgoing and happy, not easy to fall into fear or anxiety, to the people It is easier to put on the feelings, usually more straightforward, compassionate, emotional life richer, but not more than rules, since the Department and the Department from the security people can contend.
47) intelligence in the proportion of successful although more large, but the impact of one's life, more of a character, world view, values, and patience, confidence, perseverance and other qualities.
48) IQ and learning ability, problem-solving abilities have a great relationship. Qinnengbuzhuo. and experienced can also improve the IQ ..
51) If a single business, earn more normal 10%, 11% can, then I would rather earn 9% - Li Ka-shing
53). finds that a project to study down,
54) to deduct, investment is not necessarily more mature with the operation of the idea, the team mature and will play a Students start early, you can choose to start small cost of the tertiary industry.
55) students no pattern to follow, step by step, do not worry. Do not be too impulsive, to have the concept of focus, identify a project, go study , understand. digging a well, dug out of the water was more than just sweet.
56) to maintain a fixed strategy, properly diversified, maintaining a core competence.
58). recommend the most profitable and popular venture capital in emerging service industry projects
wealth which is the most money do you think King's business industry? experts vote for the most career prospects of the business direction of the economic downturn, many people lost their jobs after the turn the rise of the idea of entrepreneurship, but start thinking about the industry, the most important thing is to catch the pulse of market trends in order to reduce business risk. statistics, the most entrepreneurial career prospects, the direction of the top five were: parity concept, the concept of health , the concept of personalization, the concept of educational concepts and women, the most potentially lucrative industry, the top ten were: children, culture, education, health care, adult supplementary education, health, food, personal goods, breakfast, slim beauty, e-commerce , casual drinks and Chinese snacks, determined to advance understanding of the entrepreneur may wish to re-action, big money can be less costly mistakes.
first parity concept of providing consumers with value for money products

statistics based on questionnaires result, the concept of the weighted parity score thirty four, selected as the most profitable business opportunities, business concept, Association of Franchise Promotion, Taiwan Secretary-General Li Peifen that point of view to the development of retail formats, the more highly civilized country, to play the concept of parity The more extreme, and so like the United States, Japan and other countries, everywhere, a large shopping center a quarter of goods, while Japan's yuan hit a ten-store performance and therefore, also, because the economic downturn, industry becoming more competitive, but also parity One reason for the prevalence of the concept store.
but the whole, the concept of the entrepreneurial sector types of parity, the investment threshold in order to more easily enter the restaurant industry, according to magazine survey results, most earning potential of the industry at this stage, in which the sixth Name of the breakfast, eighth e-commerce, ninth and tenth casual drink the Chinese snack, have a parity concept, but the restaurant industry for the majority, not even the most obvious economic impact of the restaurant industry, now stage of opening a shop, or to the low price of food the most opportunity to make money.
breakfast drinks and leisure million investment, half of recyclable beverage breakfast and leisure Xiao Li & Fung with this, the advantages of fast recovery, investment cost of about twenty million, net income up to Twenty-five percent or more, generally speaking, six months can be recycled, and therefore the first time many people consider entrepreneurship. Lipei Fen reminded, the two industry types have to join the brand on the market thousands of stores up there, so a single store to enter the market at this stage is not easy to survive, you might consider a way to join the venture, the competitive selection of the headquarters of the more important. Another challenge in management is to change the entrepreneurial business passerby past thinking, at this stage in order to cultivate regular customers to create customer loyalty-based, sustainable management can.
In addition, in terms of Chinese snacks, seafood stir-fry at this stage to store more business opportunities, mainly because the seafood dish at every turn the past to three to five hundred dollars, now consumers money at cost of eating out will be reduced, but compared to other Chinese snacks like fried dumpling, congee, etc., seafood stir-fry shop now shop less competition, so has the rise of the metropolitan area shop cheap seafood stir-fry, each dish as long as eighty or ninety million, a considerable business Qian Rui Xing rope COLLECTED ESSAYS, general manager of business management consultant pointed out that the cost of cheap seafood stir-fry shop shop around 1000000-15 million, about six months to one year can be recovered for the crowd to open more in the night market or mixed residential and commercial area, if integrated to operate franchise chain, you can drive down the cost of improved gross margin purchase , a greater chance to make money.

second concept of health to meet the health needs, there is making money
with the level of knowledge, upgrading of national income, people are more and more emphasis on the concept of health is no longer because the sick have medical needs, the concept of preventive medicine has been in people's minds, which can rage from a few years ago, Ganoderma lucidum, aloe vera, to the recent hot tomato products are proven, or even a lot more now printing of health clubs, health restaurants, and even fruits and vegetables, drinking water and also because the emphasis on healthy life-selling, therefore, according to magazine survey results, the concept of health in weighted score twenty-four, with future career prospects of the business direction for the second.
health drinks high price, high-margin, faster recovery
votes, according to experts pick the most profitable industry potential, such as second and fourth in the health care, health food, are pioneering the concept of a healthy direction But from an investor's threshold of view, health care industry, including pharmacies, pharmacy or drug store in the investment threshold, are more than three million, gross profit of approximately three-five, long payback period for those funds are long-term development, the Fortunately, these industries have now joined the pioneering brands, such as wide taste of South Evergreen pharmacy health and so on, determined to venture into the health industry, could enhance the medical professional counseling by the headquarters, reducing the threshold shop technology, and drive down purchasing prices, increasing profit margins.
and healthy food industry is divided into natural health drinks with the emphasis on health, diet and food and beverage store, shop high cost of the latter, about one or two million, and healthy beverage stores investment threshold is relatively low, shop cost about 500,000 to 800,000 yuan, not only easier to join, and if the metropolitan area level for the main shopping district, the average customer price around about eight dollars, gross profit of up to six into, so about three months can be recycled, is the concept of health of the industry types, format, the money the fastest.

stressed the concept of a third individual tailor-made, the combination of ethnic identity
The so-called concept of personalization can be divided into two types of personalized products, mainly to young people caught changing, Innovation, and personal awareness of the characteristics of high Zhang, visualize the self-awareness, tailored for each customer unique personalized merchandise, such as personalized ornaments, portrait dolls, etc., to meet consumer potential narcissism, resulting in business opportunities. The other is the individual shops, as many retail and service industries have entered the country perfectly competitive stage, a key to winning shop at this stage is to enable consumers to identify with, to have a unique personality of shops, such as selling coffee, Starbucks, Muji sells daily necessities, selling the Body Shop cosmetics and so on, is the personal representative of a shop.
avoid the popular fever reduction opportunities, improve the technical threshold of stores close to the current market many of the individual commodities, such as ID, digital photos and other seals, but these products are low due to technical level , pop boom faded, the ideas do not easily change, but also easy to make opportunities fever, In addition, some high-priced works of art, such as glass, etc., subject to market constraints, not everyone is affordable, so individual entrepreneurs, and to cut into the surrounding everyday products and then tailor creative personal technology products, a larger niche, such as the doll has been open to join Alesi, mainly through the material changes, coupled with artistic creative design, manufacturing, personalization commodities, investment in about three hundred thousand or so, the gross profit of up to six to Bacheng, the fastest will be able to recover in six months.
another individual niche product development, mainly in search of large stores of goods at this stage between of, for a unique personalized merchandise in droves, even if the consortium does not have the background, as long as the product enough special, entered the store are very welcome to sell incense puppet of Germany's Eslite providers such as Mitsukoshi and other optical stores have epistemic have invited presence, and entered the store has the advantage that the polymer-off force by the store, can greatly enhance the sales and popularity.

fourth concept of education children's education and career education opportunities
While education is the concept of the weighted score may only be a profitable business venture fourth concept, but the career prospects of the industry by the vote for the most, children and adult education industry to seize the cram schools the top three can be seen, in line with the concept of education, great earning potential industry. COLLECTED ESSAYS that with two incomes, the higher the proportion of Yu Lai, hopeful state of mind, so that parents in the education of their children on a generous investment, thus creating children's education industry niche market. The workers were due to rising unemployment, alerted to what is now the era of people seeking to strengthen the competitiveness of many positive second professional skill, so let adults cram opportunities emerge.
Training for the amount of investment, although high, more than two years of child education industry recyclable
of view, according to statistics, the national year-old to ten-year-old children a total of three hundred thirty-five million, of which there are more than two children into the art classes, the average cost per person per one thousand five hundred yuan per month estimated annual market size of over twelve billion, while year-old to six years old kindergarten children about one hundred forty-two people, to Liu Cheng estimated the average school attendance rate, the average monthly cost of seven thousand yuan, an annual market size for up to seven over two hundred million yuan, together with the United States Government to actively promote language and elementary computer education, culture and education of children up to one hundred billion yuan estimated market value However, the United States as the language school age downward, bilingual kindergarten and the combination of various art classes, children, culture and education has been that the existing market trends.
the whole, children's education industry is not the amount of investment is low, about 2000000-45 between ten thousand yuan, but because of its short season little difference in revenue, net profit of about four-five, so most can be recovered within two years. remedial education for adults can be divided into two concepts, one The second tutorial training expertise in white-collar workers, such as the U.S. language, or start the computer tutorial, and second, because the people after two-day weekend leisure time increases, so will use more time to study for personal interest, such as flower arranging, dancing, etc., the former present opportunities for large investments in million more than the threshold, more suited to open in the office district, teachers are the key to success, as long as the shot reputation, the business will be endless, some also can be recovered within two years.
s the concept of five women caught
mm mm feeling her money is not difficult to
with the economic independence of women, consumer spending increased, many products have targeted the female market, such as rent book over the past mainly for youngsters off layer, while the Butterfly Pavilion is also the top ten rental bookstore, has turned women off layer, also launched a credit card for women, but also focus on women's strong spending power. The survey poll results, the concept of the weighted scores of eight women points with profitable business opportunities for the concept of the fifth start, Li Peifen pointed out that in the past business owners are male, but this year joined the business development of the survey found that men and women want to start a ratio of one to one, so women will start to improve is the concept of store management style of women's causes fermentation.
a full range of beauty industry has the opportunity to make money to buy food may be a couple of dollars to care about women, to make themselves more beautiful, but it is not soft money , in particular, the continuous beauty in many weight-loss advertising campaign through the mass media, sparking the nature of female desire for the United States **, and thus promote the beauty industry Xing thin rope with eating refined Moreover, domestic demand for the number of people lose weight , also rising, according to the survey, more than up to Qicheng women dissatisfied with their body, which is thin beauty business opportunities because, in general, the investment cost of about two hundred million yuan, but because of its gross profit high, most of the year and a half to recover, but now no longer limited to simple weight-loss beauty has the face, body beautification, for the sake of an invincible position in the market to help women have a full range of physical and spiritual improvement is the trend, so in addition to high-tech equipment and the application of natural nutrition, combined with education programs for SPA and beauty, is the future of thin beauty industry's focus.
Li Peifen pointed out, however, many entrepreneurs have a misconception that is often thought that small The venture will be successful, and whether the industry has ignored the market? or whether with or without saturation? eventually took to defeat a purpose. therefore recommended that in addition to selected entrepreneurs are interested in the industry, but also caught the pulse of market trends and , the higher the probability of entrepreneurial success.
60) to enlarge the stock market is a place of human weakness, in other places, people's weaknesses may be hidden in the stock market is dominant.
63) gods of Olympus, the most helpless Jiaoren is little Cupid. Cupid has been hailed as a symbol of love, according to legend he was has a head very beautiful blond hair, delicate white face, a pair of wings to fly free, Cupid and his mother with the charge of God, love God, people love and marriage. has been hailed as a symbol of love, according to legend he was is a mischievous, winged body of a small God, and his arrow into the young men and women once the heart, will love them deeply. In ancient Greek mythology, he is the goddess of love and beauty (A Fuluo Di te) Aphrodite and Ares (Ares) Ares's son Eros. In Roman mythology, he is Cupid (Cupid), his mother was Venus (ie, Aphrodite).
65) goddess of wisdom and war, Athena was the Greek god of Olympus Twelve Perth, Roman name Minerva (Minerva). legend is the goddess of Zeus and Metis intelligence (Metis) by the Health, predicted that due to the children born to Metis would overthrow Zeus, Zeus ordered to swallow her whole belly, so Zeus had severe headache disorder. including Apollo, the god of medicine, including all the gods are trying to implement his an effective treatment, but the results were in vain. Zeus, the father of gods and human beings have to ask Vulcan ���˹��˹ open his skull. Vulcan doing that. that the gods on Olympus is surprising is : A graceful, Pijianzhirui cracked skull from the goddess came out, brilliant, Yitaiwanfang. she is Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge, and patroness of Athens.
67) Zeus (in English: Zeus, Greek: Ze? s, or D? as), the main gods in Greek mythology, king of the third generation of God. the son of Cronus and Rhea, Uranus and the Sun of the sub- . the god of gods, supreme ruler of Mount Olympus Oliver. The entries in the anime characters or game characters, is extending its prototype or out of character by.
69 ).
1, the difference in the stock price should have different investment strategies.
stock price in three forms: lie down, stand, high jump. lie down (the price below the value) when all positions in, standing after the leave, even if the time do not go, but also a posture ready to exit. do not have to lie down in the stand. jump in or out must be resolutely avoided investment area, which is an iron law! because when the stock market crisis, the purchase is risk-averse and low cost last line of defense. on the giant companies could become a different matter, of course, such enterprises can be met without resort is the.
2, focused investment, investment understand or easy to understand the stock concentration of investment and not spread a large net.
pick eighty-nine stocks, long-term tracking, selection of three from about homework so thoroughly. the simplest, most stupid way to perhaps the most useful way to be good at the complex issues simple and confused, rather than the reverse. investment to understand or easy to understand the stock, for those who class of stock, do not touch. Theoretical and practical understanding of the combination of observation, but sometimes more reliable than theoretical knowledge. I remember as if years ago, I bought a rice in the supermarket, a main rice industry in the production of listed companies, seven octagonal one dollar a pound, very terrible, and not nine as a supermarket selling a pound of rice good angle. do not read the company statement, do not do other understanding under which it will make its investment value if correct judgments.
3, independent thinking, do minority stock market.
won the Italian stock market is always in the minority. so successful, must be an independent thinking people who do not follow the crowd. When most people crazy when to keep awake and feel a bit; when most people fear when sufficient courage. not to pump messages, that is not the advantage of retail; Do not believe the stock analysts, stock analysts who are mostly experts false; not to indulge in curves, it is the theory of teaching people lose money, not the concept of superstition, it is often set traps for the retail. solitude and loneliness, do your homework, Lianhaoneigong. foresight and patience, is a successful long-term investors must have the basic literacy.
4, to unswervingly adhere to an investment philosophy.
investment philosophy is to invest soul. What kind of investors hold investment philosophy is to have their ideas, character, experience and knowledge of the decision. No matter what kind of investment philosophy insisted, must match the subjective and objective, unity of knowledge and practice, and a consistent and not looking at this mountain high mountains, frequent change. If you want to . it can not only learn Buffett and George Soros study, both the relationship between fish and bear's paw.
5, great for small mistakes, not the pursuit of perfection.
investment process is a continuous process of making mistakes . Some mistakes may be made sooner or later, do not make today, probably tomorrow will make up is important to not make the fatal blunder. even small errors are not committed by people, maybe it will make big mistakes. Great for small mistakes, has been the best investment result. should be large for small mistakes, not the pursuit of perfection. engage in the arts to the pursuit of perfection, but also to achieve the perfect state, the investment does not. If a person in the investment, full of imagination, weaving dreams, and achieve their dreams and unremitting efforts, then he has been far from failure. determines the uncertainty of the stock market no one can reach perfection. at one time could reach perfection, but the constant pursuit of perfection, In the long run inevitably runs the risk, picked pound-foolish, and even picked up neither sesame, and watermelon also lost his take into account. In fact, the big mistake is a small beauty is only a kinds of defects beauty fills.
6, and the stock market to maintain an appropriate distance.
stock market, which continued all day staring at a computer screen, typing on the keyboard, those who inquire about the news everywhere, those who recover or down, add tip blood, those who make money when the complacent, lose money when the fear and hysterical cries of those who break hh, the cornerstone of the stock market are doomed. its close, is a dangerous act. stock market is a place for amplification of human weakness, in other places, people's weaknesses may be hidden in the stock market is dominant. The stock market is like Pandora's Box, box of human weakness is the devil, when you're unable to extricate themselves in the stock market, these demons out of the Box will be wrapped around you, so you're lost, can not see the point. so do not indulge in the stock market, and the stock market to maintain an appropriate distance, even if there are shares of the hands, but also strive to achieve a mind free shares.
7, to learn to give
I said: fish body The remaining profits earned by others to consolidate and strengthen the leadership as the starting point, which is the source of stock market risk policy. to maintain the stability of the right, and it is the government's making money and drinking places, a few investors make money in this, it is just the stock market partner companies and organizations listed on food brokerage investors, and now the

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