Thursday, December 2, 2010

One day. Sleep ..

 Morning 6:15 minutes ~
. These days, I went back to the U.S. time. Black and white reversed day arrived. Oh, so buy a Ga ...
I think, if we only require degrees through the day, it would be much better.
. recently or will do a lot of strange dreams.
dreamed of their non-stop dancing; dream of blazing opening to talk to me; dreamed long mouthful of beard; even dreamed of fighting back the pain of my teeth pulled out his own dream was very real ...
. true to wake up, I also sat on the bed a long aftertaste.
. friend told me, it is because I am a strange one, why they do those strange dreams.
she said, I may be a combination of all the world, elusive.
Oh . that is quite good, at least still quite special.
07   10 3rd. do not know what kind of a way to meet this little special day ...

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