Tuesday, December 21, 2010

China's IT sector the top ten billionaires love story

 Li: No wife, no Baidu Beijing
evening of 5 August 2005, Baidu Dorma. From the beginning 23:40 at night, 3 hours, Baidu who experienced the most exciting time of life, The Nasdaq index display, they hold Baidu IPO, or 353.85% to the crazy, magically become $ 122.54 per share, resulted in nine overnight billionaires, millionaires and 30 400 millionaires, wealth creation myth of the 21st century, the world was shocked.
same day, a large celebration held in Manhattan, when numerous flash and microphones at the time of wealth hero Li, Li tenderly to his wife Ma Dongmin football to the front, he raised his glass, said with deep feeling: brave proposal. and it showed her that the proposal is full of Eastern wisdom, I will be onto the right path. In fact, I am essentially not a pioneering adventurous person, but my wife is. adventure in Baidu course of business, every step is she pushing me to move forward. a joke, then, often attached to it on Robin Li of Baidu. Some even discuss which parts of his facial features look best: have entrepreneurial spirit, the charm of a mature man, scholars refined, calm and unhurried. such a man, so that some women with emotion: How not to love him mm Jiaoren Unfortunately, he got married.
1995, the Li in New York, a gathering of Chinese students met Ma Dongmin. Madong Min graduated from the China University of Technology Junior classes, they know, she is the U.S. Department of Biology, University of New Jersey, PhD. see Ma Dongmin first glance, Li thought of love at first sight The word, in just 6 months to do so to Madong Min Li became his bride. Li said: She was only 6 months Why can think clearly. information search as leading experts in the field, so has the Wall Street Road. Jones subsidiary, more than 70 million options, in Silicon Valley with luxury villas and luxury cars. to Li for his achievements in the feel complacent, that is also very happy when all the flowers , Ma Dongmin Quedui husband has a higher Baidu there. > br> When asked what Valentine's Day gifts to his wife, Li said with deep feeling: create more wealth in the myth.
Ma happiness, nothing to do with Valentine's Day
known as the br> Yaba acquisition, let Ma be the hottest public figure overnight. Within three years, real estate agent to sell the children for the girl! the meaning of Valentine's Day have some special high on. valentine day to express a love each other.
this year's Valentine's Day, Ma may be with their team, perhaps with partners, perhaps with the family, who knows? but there is no doubt that These are with the Ma , decided to join the Internet. Ma wife's first reaction is not spend a dollar count, > like, like every successful man, Ma on the side of this career has developed her own very well, she is queen of the women career and life. In Ma's eyes, Valentine's Day is just a symbol. When asked about Valentine's Day wish to say nothing of his wife, when Ma has always been crazy to restore the traditional Chinese men's subtle and cautious, And to say that a person will only say of his wife. Proof
Jindianjituan love and Qiu Yang, president Zhangbaoquan love is in the business world a perfect story. Zhangbaoquan from rural areas, but fell in love with Yang Qiu children of cadres. Stem children, but she has not a lot of senior cadres on their children's illnesses. , great ideas great personality. that is also very easy to return troops. But Zhangbaoquan reluctant to use this way, he does not want people to feel that they took a fancy to their home because of the background, otherwise he will forever live in the shadows. Zhangbaoquan and Qiu Yang, together with the actual sea is to prove one thing, , speed, danger, the pursuit of new experiences; Zhangbaoquan like flowers, birds, fish and insects, poetry and painting. But this does not seem to hamper their communication, time to go out back, Zhangbaoquan always Wangqiu Yang adventure story of the first audience, Qiu Yang said with a smile , she would pick the funny speaking, ignored the danger.
Qiu-Yang is a So far, she has successfully summited Haba Snow Mountain, Siguniangshan two peaks, the highest peak in Europe Eer Bu Lu Shifeng, mousse Tage Africa's highest peak Mount Kilimanjaro peak and other peaks. while Qiu Yang was the first to reach North and South Polar Chinese women entrepreneurs.
. support. One time she drove through Tibet, Land Rover car tires scrapped five, each time Zhangbaoquan sent from Beijing by plane, and then sent to hell and high water to the tire to ensure the logistics. Finally, with Wang, Land Rover Beijing company manager of Land Rover spare tire was Zhangbaoquan mercilessly handed down, the hands of time to Qiu Yang.
happy family
beyond many people's surprise, Qiu Yang now and parents, brothers and sisters of a We live together. She said that like the family atmosphere, like a large group of children around the around. Qiu Yang's two sons, almost 10 years old, may be inherited independently of the nature of the mother, they never stick and hold her also always proud to tell that, home. this time, she let the children put their own little creative solutions, they want to do, my mother, will find interesting. will not forget to send a bouquet of roses to his wife. But Feng Quedui told reporters, in fact, his life is a very people-oriented details of life, even changing clothes need to remind his wife. Feng that De loading the wife. in behind me. Therefore, no matter how busy I am on Valentine's Day, I turned down all the things that will accompany his wife to eat a romantic candlelight dinner. after all, only so once a year, Valentine's Day, everyone should cherish. ;
feelings between husband and wife need to operate, Feng done well in it. This is perhaps the Huaqi to create such a romantic fight with one of the reasons it MP3.
Yu Yu: Fairy Tales Dangdang in love
Ms. Yu and Li Guoqing, CEO of love, just like in the fairy tale story, has maintained a romantic colors. When we asked Ms. Yu Valentine's Day this loving couple how they spend, the Yu Yu fun smile said: , in favor of our Web site revision. Valentine's Day this year, has no plans, hoping to ease through it. One thing is to give Li Guoqing call: , in order for Ms. Yu eat snacks, Li Guoqing Yu Yu came to Peking University with a snack street near the restaurant. When the memories of this scene, Li Guoqing face high spirits, long look Qing Yang, he said: And after, I said l What would you like? r salted duck egg, she said l r, l I said do you like to eat? r l she said is, and especially like to eat egg yolk r, my mother said so on the order of the boss l Today, I handed over the fate of this young man you are, you think of a way to help me get a very warm salted duck egg, right r. Boyle, winking at me, said a l OK, I'll get to the results of her r. Sanjiadian run, did you get a plate of salted duck eggs. , a very good insight and can make up for his lack of experience of living abroad in this sorry girlfriend, in 1996, Ms. Yu met him realize that desire. Ms. Yu has a MBA degree at New York University, then break in Wall Street a world, familiar with Wall Street investment law.
three months they met in New York, at a friend's party, the conversation shows that Ms. Yu's scholarship and insights that Li Guoqing shock, only that Ms. Yu is really a talented woman, high above. Yu is from the hometown warmth and enthusiasm. Guoqing to reporters after years of warm memories of the time, said: ; They together for coffee after the party. This is their first time alone, but also the beginning of life integration. So far they love the memory of the aroma of coffee is still dense.
shortly after eating salted duck egg as , so they married. like to do a precise calculation, the two people who do not want to waste time, from the encounter to get married, they took only three months.

whether the birth of Dangdang is drawing near the affection, or a romantic honeymoon trip, the idea became about the cause of most touching melody of their lives. Then she saw a new business model: use of external resources to regroup, then use the Internet to sell This is the most valuable. Yu Yu believes online bookstore is definitely a good future direction of development. she wanted to go home, copy of a Chinese Amazon, the Internet sales of books in China. So Yu marriage Yu made the 六日 basically do not work to accompany his wife and daughter, very conservative in their daily lives. asked Valentine what he would give his wife and how valentine day gift, he's very happy smile: Valentine did not want to give her a good something, but will be sent, but also gave my daughter. in me and her eyes, how to get Valentine's Day does not matter, it is just a form, mainly as long as a three can be very happy together. However, Valentine's Day gave me a wife and daughter to stay at home grounds, or very good. support is that he can develop to the greatest driving force today.
respect to his wife a glass of wine
end of the year when the company staff meeting, Mr. Chen Jing is the first glass of wine to his wife, for her contribution to the company. Until today, Mr. Chen did not want to dilute the family thought of the color. to his wife, he admits his biggest regret is the time of marriage the wife did not wear a wedding dress, no feast, and then start a business in a hurry.
Luo exuberant wife never interviewed by the media, behind the scenes in the company himself a hero, familiar with her people know that this beautiful, virtuous girl in Hebei, is the cause of Mr. Chen's most capable partners. Luo flourishing easy-going, do not like publicity, which is talking about, then on the flight, Mr. Chen is very passionate character exactly complementary.
perfect combination of gold
understand their spouses would think they are a perfect Mr. Chen usual busy diplomacy, to take part in negotiations. and the wife is responsible to take care of internal management, employees older than light, a lot of people as their friends her within the company are used to call her exuberant. employee's birthday, the staff prepared the idea of a baby or have to go abroad, will also personally called to ask Mr. Chen, chairman of the board so careful, and the wife is said to be reminded.
family happiness is more important than success
Mr. Chen told a television interview program When the host asked his family's happiness and success of an enterprise which is more important to him, he did not hesitate on the host that he still felt a greater sense of accomplishment that family. My wife teasing the baby in the window to play, then I put down the book with my wife that if there is a fortune teller years ago I took this picture down, that ten years after you have your own such a beautiful wife, such a lovely child, your own home, relax and read there, then I definitely think I am too happy, too satisfied. So for me, I have not called the richest man known as the proud, but I often for I have a good wife and a daughter proud. also was a great success, Li Ning has now reached 1.3 billion worth. his company was successfully listed in Hong Kong, In 1989 2,500 sales outlets in Guangdong Li Ning retired to join Jianlibao Group, the second Li-Ning Sports Goods Company was founded In 1992 to the present, sportswear brand Li Ning, China's fourth consecutive Olympic team's clothing award.
Li Ning relatively low-profile marriage. But Li Ning, who are familiar with him several years to know and love than a decade of Chen Yan became husband and wife.
Chen Yan is the hometown of Li Ning, Li Ning with fewer hours and Guangxi gymnastics team members, Later, the national team has .1982 in New Delhi Asian Games, Chen Yan won and as the > Barcelona Aventure
1982, the World Cup held in Yugoslavia, Li Ning won the championship six of the seven projects, became the world sports star. after the game for Spain Li Ning of China in 14th. Jin Lu May Gymnastics Cup. Li Ning came to Barcelona, the city sensation. an octogenarian old overseas Chinese, heard of Li Ning has come, despite the elderly and commercial peak, led his wife and three granddaughters to the stadium early in the back door, after several requests, finally entered the waiting room to see the Li Ning. the old man great joy, began to talk straight to the point: Three baby granddaughter, you seriously look at China and Italy which one? , Thank you very much love to my family. but I have not considered the feelings of. Wedding
1982 years, held in New Delhi on the 9th Asian Games, Li Ning and Chen Yan won both the men, women's gymnastics all-around champion. the way home, Li Ning and Chen Yan tacitly sat in the cabin the last row. this time, Li Ning, asked him to ask the question: . cabin full of people for the Asian Games victory carnival, no one has noticed the last row of the happy young man.
joined Jianlibao when Li Ning, Wing Yan went to Los Angeles, where he created Li Ning and served as general manager of the International Gymnastics School.
next few years, Li Ning and Chen Yan together far more than in 1993, when fell in love, and Chen Yan Ning years married, and soon they have a lovely son. < br> Ding a long and arduous journey of love across the head Ding
NetEase worth a lot of people talk about. But the 30 standing, he has not entered the marriage hall, because he believed that economic base in order to ensure happy future life. love. Ding girlfriend is Taiwanese, two people in Guangzhou know, when the Ding just start a business, nothing. home, I am a man lying on the computer before going to work until 1:00, 2:00, even on the plane or sitting in a taxi, or even eating, I think all Internet. girlfriend told me that very objectionable, but still with me without complaint, and I work overtime to accompany her to a few points. If there is no time to accompany and support her, I do not know if I can carry on. I love that pulled me venture. , the network has become a link Ding and his girlfriend love the bridge. Ding said, for him such a busy man, across the great lakes is a wonderful feeling. Ding said his girlfriend gives the feeling at first glance like the female students is absolutely pure, the feelings of two people is also very good, can be described as is not Valentine's Day, given the chance he would buy his girlfriend Crystal. girlfriend like to watch movies, his greatest wish is to accompany his girlfriend on Valentine's Day to watch a movie. But is this desire does not know can not be achieved, in order to NetEase his body half over.
In fact, such as Ding gold level hard into the marriage hall. According to their argument, they are afraid of marriage restraint. rich phase, they regarded most of the energy into the cause, but also for the success very seriously, and always living under the weight. ; First thrive and then wive ; are alone and the status quo, that this has become a social problem.
Wu: Yang Lan is my best friends
WU Zheng Yang Lan and the combination of the former, each have had a failed marriage. Yang Lan said: Love is a little blind, when you want to get married to get married, want to have children to have children, no need to dawdle. is not only a husband and wife, or business partners .2000, Yang Lan and Wu to husband and wife team founded the br> Lan said: Parents also a teacher, we have a study abroad experience, our background, values relatively similar in the young man I met, he is also very outstanding. And his character is very unique insight and perspective that he often Surprisingly, I am more man for his spark of inspiration that sometimes the collision, can not think of the idea, so I especially admire married In 1995 to the present, we have 14 years of marriage, and we all hope for a stable family life people. I very much believe that the family life, not the kind of family life, skeptical, my parents very good relationship, so I hope we brought the two children to live a long life together. Wu Yang Lan
in the perfect or not that marriage is more important is to look at content, well-known fact does not matter. Wu's eyes, his wife Yang Lan is an absolute good, also be harmonious temper, a temper big time, and the other is always very patient, in the end, Yang Lan can always confused both laughed. Fortunately, in the vast sea of humanity, to encounter such a friend Wu asked: wife's fame than his great reputation, is not it uncomfortable?
Wu said with a smile long been accustomed to, of course, somewhat of a beginning not used, it had not matter. In fact, in overseas Chinese circles, Wu has long been known quite a loud young Chinese businesswoman. Wu said with a smile: how much she is my wife.

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